6 Generations of Ranching

In the Upper Snake River of Idaho and Wyoming, the Siddoway family’s enduring connection to ranching spans six generations. From the emigration days of 1886 to the present day, the Siddoways have lovingly nurtured a tradition as rich as the landscape they call home.

The journey began on Canyon Creek, a tributary of the Teton River, where James and Ruth Siddoway took the first steps in this remarkable odyssey. From these humble beginnings in a wall tent, the family moved to Teton. They built a home and established roots that would deepen alongside the growing ranch. The next generation acquired rangelands along the Juniper and Grassy. Then, when Bill and Jeanne Siddoway acquired the ranch, they moved winter grazing even farther west by purchasing land near Mud Lake and grazing rights on the Big Desert. In generation four, Jeff and Cindy Siddoway bred more sheep, diversified the business with hunting, and expanded the summer grazing area by acquiring the historic Egbert and Tucker ranches. Once part of a small homestead, the sheep now graze over 440,000 acres in Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. When J.C. Siddoway took the reins, he started selling lamb direct to consumers. His daughter Emma, still in college, already helps with the bookwork, taking the torch for the next generation. Billie Siddoway takes phone calls, works with wholesale purchasers, and responds to email. Wayne delivers lamb when he is not working as a camp tender in the mountains. It is a family business through and through.

Today, Grand Teton Lamb embodies the culmination of this family legacy. The Siddoways bring lamb from the mountains to your plate, inviting you to participate in their story. It's a tale of a family's love for the land, care for their livestock, and a commitment to family and community.

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Grazing in Alpine Splendor

Each June, our lambs embark on a journey to mountain ranges near the majestic Tetons. Alpine grazed, the lambs graze in beautiful high-altitude meadows, where nature is bountiful. The air is crisp and pure. Water flows from pure mountain springs. As the lambs graze among the wildflowers and verdant forbs, they consume a variety of forage that only an alpine environment can offer.

The alpine environment not only imbues our lamb with an extraordinary flavor but also reaffirms our commitment to the land. By utilizing transhumance grazing practices with low annual utilization, we ensure that the land remains productive and that our flocks thrive. It has worked for our family and flock for nearly 140 years.

As you enjoy our lamb, you're connecting with the Grand Teton mountains – their grandeur, their beauty, and their wild spirit. Savor the natural goodness this stunning landscape provides. Taste the terroir of the mountains in Grand Teton Lamb.

A Century of Sustainable Stewardship

Amid the breathtaking expanse of the Upper Snake River, the Siddoway family’s story of sustainability is woven into the fabric of the land. To survive the centuries, the family has stewarded rangelands with a commitment to continuity and balance.

Sheep managed well are an asset to the environment. As sheep migrate from winter valleys to summer heights, they cultivate the land. Their hoofprints are a natural plough, aerating the soil and enriching it with organic nutrients. With a preference for forbs, sheep balance the consumption of vegetation with grazers like elk and browsers like deer preventing species dominance. Grazing management increases biodiversity and prevents overgrowth that could fuel wildfires. It increases overall plant density and soil carbon accumulation. In addition, sheep hold sequester carbon in their wool at 50% of fleece weight. The presence of sheep creates a healthier ecosystem where flora and fauna flourish in synchrony.

This legacy of sustainability, at the heart of our ranching heritage, is a promise for tomorrow. As we continue to nurture the land that nurtures us, we honor the timeless bond between ranching and nature. Our commitment to sustainability isn't just a story – it's an ongoing testament to connection with our rangeland and our pledge to leave it better than we found it.